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Home More Archive Notifications Notification, the 21st July 2000

Notification, the 21st July 2000

To be published in the Gazette of India, part (ii) section (3) sub-section (i)]

                                                      Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution
                                                                   (Department of Consumer Affairs)
                                                                                                                                                New Delhi, the 21st July, 2000

 GSR (E) 613 (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 83 of the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976 (60 of 1976), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977, namely:-

1.(1) These rules may be called the Standards of Weights and Measure (Packaged Commodities) Amendment Rules, 2000.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 1, for sub-rule (3), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

(3) They shall apply to commodities in the packaged form which are, or are intended or likely to be, -

(i) sold, distributed or delivered or offered or displayed for sale, distribution or delivery, or;

(ii) stored for sale, or for distribution or delivery,

in the course of inter-State trade and commerce.'

3. In the said rules, for sub-clause (iii) of clause (x) of rule 2, the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:-

(iii) packages containing ten or more than ten retail packages provided that the retail packages are labeled as required under the rules'.

4. In the said rules, for rule 35, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-

'35. Registration of manufacturers, packers and importers.

(1) Every individual, firm, Hindu undivided family, society, company or corporation who or which pre-packs or imports any commodity for sale, distribution or delivery shall make an application, accompanied by a fee of rupees twenty, to the Director for the registration of his or its name and complete address; and every such application shall be made

(i) in the case of an applicant pre-packing or importing any commodity at the commencement of these rules, within ninety days from such commencement; or

(ii) in the case of any applicant who or which commence pre-packing or importing of any commodity after the commencement of these rules, within ninety days from the date on which he or it commences such pre-packing.

(2) Every application referred in sub-rule (1) shall contain the following particulars, namely:-

(a) the name of the applicant;

(b) the complete address of the premises at which the pre-packing or import of one or more commodities is made by the applicant; and

(c) the name of the commodity or commodities pre-packed or imported by the applicant.

Explanation: In this sub-rule, 'complete address' has the meaning assigned to it in the explanation to sub-rule (1) of rule 10.'

5. In the said rule, in the Fourth Schedule, against serial number 11, for the words 'Non-soapy detergents', the word 'Detergent' shall be substituted.

                                                                                                                                                                      (Santosh Nautiyal)
                                                                                                                                 Additional Secretary to the Govt of India.

                                                                                                                                                               (File No WM 10(13)/99)

 Note The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India vide number 622(E) dated 26th September 1977 and subsequently amended vide:-

1. GSR 347 (E) dated 30.6.1978

2. GSR 59 (E) dated 23.2.1980

3. GSR 303(E) dated 31.3.1983

4. GSR 253(E) dated 31.3.1984

5. GSR 316(E) dated 30.4.1984

6. GSR 393(E) dated 25.3.1984

7. GSR 96(E) dated 20.2.1985

8. GSR 458(E) dated 25.5.1985

9. GSR 32(E) dated 17.1.1986

10. GSR 1005(E) dated 8.8.1986

11. GSR 730(E) dated 25.8.1987

12. GSR 19(E) dated 8.1.1988

13. GSR 779(E) dated11.7.1988

14. GSR 511(E) dated 25.5.1990

15. GSR 601(E) dated 26.6.1990

16. GSR 50(E) dated 17.1.1992

17. GSR 88(E) dated 6.2.1992

18. GSR 531(E) dated 15.5.1992

19. GSR 252(E) dated 2.3.1993

20. GSR 578(E) dated 26.8.1993

21. GSR 314(E) dated 12.3.1994

22. GSR 591(E) dated 20.7.1994

23. GSR 863(E) dated 14.12.1994

24. GSR 105(E) dated 2.3.1995

25. GSR 392(E) dated 17.5.1995

26. GSR 521(E) dated 27.6.1995

27. GSR 547(E) dated 13.7.1995

28. GSR 693(E) dated 31.10.1995

29. GSR 784(E) dated 7.12.1995

30. GSR 788(E) dated 8.12.1995

31. GSR 139(E) dated 6.3.1997

32. GSR 140(E) dated7.3.1997

33. GSR 230(E) dated 7.4.1997

34. GSR 600(E) dated 20.10.1997

35. GSR 60(E) dated 20.1.1998

36. GSR 178(E) dated 31.8.1998

37. GSR 246(E) dated 5.4.1999

38. GSR 530(E) dated 14.7.1999

39. GSR 594(E) dated 17.8.1999