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Home Organisation and Units Division Cooperation Super Bazar

Super Bazar

i)  Super Bazar incurred huge losses on account of irregularities and was unable to make payments towards arrears of wages, pensions and other benefits to its employees. Pursuant to an order dated 5 July, 2002 issued by Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Super Bazar went into liquidation.

(ii)  Employee Unions filed a number of Writ Petitions in the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi challenging the order of winding up dated 05.07.2002 issued by the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies, of Super Bazar, which were dismissed by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi on 19.12.2003. The review petition of Unions was dismissed by Hon’ble Supreme Court on 19.03.2004 without giving any relief to the workman of Super Bazar. The Unions had file SLP in the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

(iii)  On 29.03.2016 after a series of discussions and pleadings, the Hon’ble Supreme Court upheld the winding up order and directed the Official Liquidator to appoint a chartered valuer to assess the value of the property having clear title and to bring to sell all these properties within 9 months i.e before 31.12.2016.

(iv)  Contempt Petition were filed by WPL for non-compliance of the order dated 17 May 2018 alleging that the refund of the entire investment along with the interest has not been made to it. WPL prayed for the release of Rs. 102.82 crores by disposing of the assets of Super Bazar.

(v)  In response to the petition, the Union of India has filed an I.A raising objections to the maintainability of the earlier contempt proceedings initiated by WPL on which the Court issued directions on 17 May 2018.

The proceedings initiated have been challenged on the ground that the report of the CAG was not placed before this Court in a fair and proper manner and a contempt petition was not maintainable, non-joinder of necessary parties such as the CAG and the Central government in the Contempt petition, true facts could not be brought to the attention of this Court.

(vi)  The Hon’ble Supreme Court in its order dated 26.09.2018 directed as under:

“21. Hence, we are of the view that the order dated 17 May, 2018 of this Court should be recalled. We order accordingly.

22. In view of the fact that the order dated 17 May, 2018 stands recalled, the Contempt Petitions filed by WPL for non-compliance of the said order do not survive. Contempt Petition (Civil) Nos. 1207-1208 of 2018 in Special Leave Petition (Civil) 8398-8399 stand dismissed.”

(vii)  In accordance with the directions dated 29.03.2016 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Liquidation proceedings are being carried out by the Liquidator, Super Bazar, Delhi.